Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Apologies (Part Deux)

I suck at blogging. I really do.

It's been 30 days since my last post. This is unacceptable. (For you and me.)

But I've spent the last 30 days working up to my next post (should be up later this evening). It's taken me 30 days to go through every film released from 2000-20009.

Why would I go through all of these films? Because I've just compiled my list of top films of the past decade.

Why did this take 30 days? One part procrastination, one part pouring over a list of every full-length film released over the past decade, one part forgetfulness, and one part making sure my next post (which has always been planned as this list) was of great quality. I guess thinking it had to be absolutely perfect unnecessarily slowed this process.

I am a perfectionist. I want to make sure everything I do is of the highest quality. But not to the point where progress is stalled. Happened with this blog, happens with essays/papers, happen with other things. That's just me.

But these things will never be perfect. Just gotta get a grip on that fact. So, I apologize to all seven of you who read this thing. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't giving you anything less than my best effort on this latest list.

I mean, I feel great about this upcoming list. I'm prepared to defend any selections/omissions. (I am working on publishing this list as we speak: just takes some time to get it all down.)

Anyway, this whole 30-days-between-each-post won't be an issue going forward. I promise...

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